ASPORT 是源於時尚運動風潮發想的運動精品品牌,致力推廣全球的運動風尚,以FASHION / WELLNESS / FITNESS 三大選品面向塑造兼具自信與活力的生活美學。


自 2016 年首間大安旗艦店開幕,持續引進歐美潮流前沿的運動時裝,以多元時尚的運動及休閒風格,為消費者帶來更多屬於運動服飾的語境。無論是機能性運動裝束打造健身房戰袍或混搭休閒時裝,皆以獨特的創意思維及新穎時尚的設計視角,打破運動及時裝的壁壘,賦予運動風尚全新語言。


近年來,運動服飾的潮流變革早已不僅是專屬於健身房的單品,更能融入時裝,以多元型態重新演繹 Active Fashion 態度與氛圍,ASPORT 以當季趨勢選入獨特的運動時裝及生活方式類選品,引領更多元的運動語言,並相繼於台北、台中、高雄展店,因應各城市獨特的潮流風格持續展現多元選品面貌。

ASPORT is an upscale multi-label store with a mission to provide a curated and revolutionized collection of performance-based merchandise which conceptualizes our brand DNA: Fashion, Fitness and Wellness.

Combining luxury fashion and athleisure, we aim to create a positive and vibrant attitude through showcasing a wide but unique product range from designer ready-to-wear to fitness wear.